Sponsorship sought to add Mofided Mini Stocks to the National Compact Touring Series at the Freedom Factory

Registration Open for the SRL Sportsman Racing Series at the Freedom Factory Jan. 7th 2023
We’ll start our 2023 racing season with the SRL Sportsman Race Series. Come on out for some action packed oval racing. Tickets and registrations are available now in the link below.
Plus Crown Vic’s and Legend cars. Camping also available
See You There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Auburndale Speedway announces Driver Point Championships and Revised 2023
January 14th is right around the corner and we return to racing with Twin 50’s for the Super Late Models, Scramblers, A Mods & Crown Vics. We are excited to kick off the 2023 with this as the first points race scheduled for the classes. For those texting and messaging us about what other tracks are doing we can only remind you that we released this schedule October 28th and hope to see you there.
On Saturday December 17th the SRL Sportsman Racing Series had a successful test at the Freedom Factory and are ready for the race on January 7th. 30 plus sportsman were there for the test and many more expected for the race. The Series will start 24 cars for the feature on January 7th. Also on the card are the 4.6 Ford Crown Vics and the Legend cars.
Make Your plans to come out and support the Freedom Factory on January 7th.
See You there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As part of the always successful charity weekend at Auburndale Speedway they had twin 50 Super Late models on the card last weekend. The First race was dominated by Chase Lovelady while the second race was won by Cody Stickler with Lovelady making a hard charge for the lead.
Results Below:
On Saturday night in the twin 50 races at Auburndale Speedway George Gorham Jr secured the points championship for the super late models doing this in back to back season. This was George’s 7th championship in 6 years, with championships coming from all over the state. This one was probably one that was not as easy as some of the others but the team battelled a lot of challenges this year both on and off the track to secure the championship.
It is safe to say the wins did not come as easy or often as George would have wanted for the #10 Blackburns BBQ Super Late Model. It was a year that brought lots of emotions on and off the track as the race community and Family lost our loved M5, but we all know he was over looking the team as they secured the championship last Saturday night. The Season also brought out a race in a tribute car to the M5 with the car warped in yellow. The Gorham Jr. pits are always full of supporters, and family members. It was also a special season as George got to help his sone George Gorham III make big strides in the pro truck division.
As 2023 gets ready to kick off the team looks to go for another championship or two.
MotoBros Statement:
MotoBros – Punta Gorda: MotoBros has been awarded the contract for the Punta Gorda Speedway currently known as 4-17 Southern Speedway. We are very excited about this location as it will bring a new and different experience to motocross for SW Florida. We also have meetings scheduled with the current owners of the speedway to see if there is an opportunity to continue car racing events along with the parks new direction. More information will be provided as we progress on this venture.