Get to know your your crew members Blake Boryk


When did you get started in racing and what got you interested in racing? I grew up watching racing on tv and in 2005 me and my parents moved to where I’m at now which is by Aaron and David Willamson’s shop kinda just went down there one day and started hanging out.

Tell us about your racing history and accomplishments? I have only ever run one race and it was in a mini sprint on dirt.

What is your greatest racing accomplishment? Not really an accomplishment but two things I’ve done that are at the top is spotting for Tj duke at the throwback race in 2019 And then spotting for nick Neri at the rattler this year never thought I’d have the honor to stand in a spotters tower with people that do it for a living and that are the best of the best.

Who is or was your racing idol? Overall it’s alway been Jeff Gordon at the local level there’s been serval the biggest being Tommy Styer I learned a ton from him and have gotten where I am today from it.

What is your favorite track to take your driver too? Can’t say that I have a favorite I’d say I like going to faster tracks that require you to race and pass not bullrings.

Who has been your favorite driver to crew for and why? Can’t name just one but Lj Grimm is a good one to work with he can wheel anything he gets in. Taylor Moxely was another good one.

What is your favorite past time other than racing? Honestly don’t really do anything outside of racing

What is your favorite Sports team? Tampa bay lighting

What is your favorite racing related movie and non-racing related movie? Racing related is kart racer Non racing footloose

Who is your favorite Street car and why? That’s a hard one I work in street cars for a living can’t say I have a favorite my dream car would be a 1992 mr2 because it’s a rear engine and not many left around

If it was up to you would you rather be a driver or a crew member. Crew member for sure Mainly a spotter.

What is your current race team? Don’t have just one recently I’ve been helping out with some of the guys with Chad Pierce Motorsports I have Rick Reed in the sportsman and a mod at Punta Gorda.

If You had unlimited funds and could take any two current short track drivers to Nascar and be their crew chief who would it be and why. First one would be Lj Grimm he has so much raw talent and drivers anything he gets in to the front and is able to adapt even if the car is not perfect. For the second I’d have to say Jason Vail I’ve never worked with him but he’s always impressed me with his talent and ability to drive and out a car where he needs to go.

What race would be your dream race to take your current driver to and win? Either the snowball derby or Winchester 400