1-Mike Gamache
2-darrell Jackson
1-George GorhamJr
2-Jason Allen
Ski Car
1-Kris Rummell
2-Jason Allen
Flag Pole
1-George Gorham Jr
2-Roy Porter
School Bus Figure 8’s
1-Wayne Calkins
Trailer Race
1-William Hindman
2-Dillon Jackson
Demolition Derby
1-Brian Gayton
2-Drew Jackson
V-8 Bombers
1-#1 Mike Pitts
2-#56 James Wright III
3-#75 Carl Thompson Jr
4-#17 Nick Malverty
5-#57 Steve Breiner
6-#99 Tim Rushing
7-#96 Larry Chumney
8-#40 Mike Hubbard
9-#35 Edward Shultz
10-#25 Roy ealey
11-#70 Jason Deaton
12-#70 Mark Palmer
13-#98 Ricky Norman
Next week Nov. 16 we will be racing the following classes, Street Stocks, V-8 Bombers, Scramblers, Mini Stocks, Sportsman, And Fan Particapation. For more information call 863-287-4344 or log on to www.auburndalespeedway.net.