Get to know your driver Jeff Guilbault Sr.


When did you get started in racing and what got you interested in racing? I was born into racing in 1975 my uncle had tour modifieds

Tell us about your racing history and accomplishments? 1994 pure stock rookie of the year 1994 sportsman of the year 1994 Hank thorton hard charger award 2017 pro truck champion desoto speedway 2020 sportsman champion 417 and showtime speedway 48 feature wins from 1994 to 2003 from mini stocks to sportsmans 2 feature win since then both in sportsmans 2003 world series fastruck feature winner fastruck feature win also in 2003 at the big  Lakeland track

What is your greatest racing accomplishment? building this sportsman car I currently drive and winning at 417 the first night out

Who is or was your racing idol? Dickie Anderson

What is your favorite track and what is your dream track to race? Desoto Speedway is my favorite track it also is my dream to be able to my current sportsman car there

What is your favorite past team other than racing? Family time

What is your favorite Sports team? Bucs

What is your favorite racing related movie and non-racing related movie?  six pack hunger games

What is your favorite Street car and why? camaro it was my first car also was my first race car

Who is your race care crew members? Jeff jr Greg Krom Jesse Dutilly Jeff Dufresne

Who are your Sponsors? mostly self funded but integrity transmission and Bruce Carbone offer help when needed

Who is your biggest rival on the track? Racing for me is for pure enjoyment for me and my family its not serious enough to get rivalries and drama started so no rivalry

f you had unlimited funds and could start a Nascar team besides yourself who is a fellow racer you would take to be your teammate ?I’m not a nascar fan at all so if I’m starting a super latemodel team with unlimited funds I’m taking Greg Krom and Jeff Dufresne if its unlimited i should be able to take 2 lol