When did you get started in racing and what got you interested in racing? 2011, I went to Sunshine and Desoto as a kid with my dad and brothers and the love for racing just stuck with me.

Tell us about your racing history and accomplishments? I ran go-karts for about 3 years, mini stocks/ mini figure 8’s for 2 years, ran some races in school bud figure 8’s and about 2 years in Crown Vic/ Crown Vic figure 8’s. Don’t really have any racing accomplishments I have 1 win in go-karts and that’s it.

What is your greatest racing accomplishment? The one and only win I ever got lol

Who is or was your racing idol? Joey Catarelli

What is your favorite track and what is your dream track to race? Favorite Track would definitely have to be Bristol and would definitely be my dream track to race at.

What is your favorite past time other than racing? I like to go dancing and being with friends

What is your favorite Sports team? Uhmm don’t have one lol

What is your favorite racing related movie and non-racing related movie? Racing movie: Days of Thunder Non-Racing: The Lion King

What is your favorite Street car and why? 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang, it’s always been a dream car of mine to have

Who is your race car crew members? Kyle Courtney, Thomas Meyer, Roger Welch II, Kelsey Ecker, Colin Demauro

Who are your Sponsors? Mikes Auto Body of Clearwater, Mid-Pinellas Enterprises, Dustin Aaron Fabrication

Who is your biggest rival on the track? Myself

If you had unlimited funds and could start a Nascar team besides yourself who is a fellow racer you would take to be your teammate? Honestly I wouldn’t start a Nascar Team even if it was unlimited funds. I’d rather but the money into local racing