by Dave Westerman

On March 24, 2010, Florida All Stars Tour Co-Founder Alan Bruns sent this letter to all FAST members regarding clarification of the incident(s) between Wayne Anderson and Kevin Ingram during the Series’ race March 20th at Auburndale Speedway. This should indicate exactly what happened and what has since been done concerning the situation.

Members, First let me thank you for your support shown during our initial three races of the FAST series. While we have experienced several minor problems, with your help I believe we have established an innovative, positive and fun series of which we can all be proud. All that being said, we feel we must offer an explanation of last weekends events.

We would like to thank Rex and all his staff at Auburndale Speedway for their support and hospitality. The Friday practice and Friday night “party” went well. Our revised schedule for Saturday worked as well and will be adjusted slightly for our next event.

As we know the race started off with a bang and shots continued throughout, which is why I feel this explanation is needed. It is our goal to provide a fun, safe, yet competitive place to race. Rough driving and personal vendettas should be left for other venues. While rubbing is racing, blatant rough driving or intentional wrecking cannot be tolerated. While there were several individual incidents, we all know the main one of which I will address.

We do not condone the actions of either driver involved in the incident and your race director ordered both cars “parked” for the night, immediately, even as they were still on the track.

Unfortunately the track Promoter stepped in and instructed the Race Director that the 21car would be allowed back onto the track to finish the race. FAST Officials quit scoring both competitors as far as points were concerned. We’ve had our Tuesday meeting with our officials as well as those from the track.

Both drivers have been placed on probation. In the future all decisions during a tour race will be made and decided by FAST Tour Officials. Track Officials can and will be asked for their advice, however, the final decision is made by the Tour officials. We acknowledge that mistakes were made. We’ve learned from our mistakes and have taken steps to ensure situations like this don’t happen again. Our collective desires are to continuously improve.

Again, I would like to thank Rex and his staff for their cooperation and we look forward to returning four June 19th event.

Please feel free to contact any of us with questions or concerns. We value your input, after all this is about you the racers, Florida racing and our partner tracks.

Thank you, Alan Bruns FAST