by Jimmy Rouse- Ocala Speedway Media

Ocala Speedway takes a break from divisional racing to make up Car Warz, the event that was washed-out on September 24th. What they did run that night was a success, as RV Dave successfully t-boned the van, and the 4-cylinder enduro race on ‘mud’ was exciting. Johnny Alexander got the better of Curtis Clark and beat him for the enduro trophy. Car Warz will run everything else they were going too, including: the MotorHome demolition derby, front wheel drive demolition derby, chain race, flagpole race, boat and trailer race, dirt figure 8 race, and a reverse race. Plus, to make up for the enduro, the Gladiators will run an exciting event as well. Ocala Speedway deems Car Warz as a special event, therefore the prices are set accordingly. You can check the prices by calling Ocala Speedway or by checking out