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March 18, 125


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 O'Reilly Southern All Star Dirt Racing Series Fast Facts, Talladega

 A Simple "Thanks" Will Help

 My Hope for 2008

 Short Track Racing is Going to the Dogs

 The Big Showdown That Never Happened

 Avoiding the Summertime Rainouts

 Is Racing Clean And Sober?

 Is Florida Speedway Co-operation All That Important?

 "Bathroom Wall" Revisited

 Wrecks, Black Flags, O My!

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July 12, 2003
Citrus County Speedway Losses to Mother Nature Again
by Larry MacMillan

(Inverness, Fl. 7/12/03) With two rainouts in a row and a week off for the Pepsi 400, Citrus County Speedway was attempting to make up for some lost time Saturday night but that idea was short lived when severe storm warnings were issued at 3:00 p.m. A funnel cloud was spotted about 15 miles west of the speedway and with the storm the rains came in bunches to end the night of excitement at 4:30. Unlike the past couple of days, the rain didn't stop as the storm passed through. It continued to rain throughout the evening and looked like it was going to stick around so the races were called.

The frustration continued for the eager drivers who had really anticipated getting the second half of the season kicked off with a big 75 lap late model run for a $2,000 win purse on the 3/8ths mile oval. They haven't been able to run a point race since May 24th due to special races and rain outs. And has just been a tough season for these high speed pros and several visitors were ready to run for the increased purse. The 75 lap Late Model Point Race has been rescheduled for next Saturday night, barring any more interference from the weather man. We are going to leave Mother Nature out of this in as much as "You don't want to mess with Mother Nature!"

The Sportsman, Street Stocks, Mini Stocks, Hobby Stocks and Thunder Stocks were scheduled to run in 30 lap features as well. They have been parked for the past three weeks and their anxiety level is pretty well peaked out. They will run a regular schedule next week and Figure 8's are scheduled to be back as well. Any change in the schedule will be posted on the web site www.citruscountyspeedway.com.

TEAM EXTREEM, the motorcycle stunt team was also on the schedule for this Saturday and will have to be rescheduled for a date that doesn't conflict with their schedule.

Keep your fingers crossed an hope that this weather situation doesn't continue. All the promoters and track owners are really having a tough time dealing with it and the fans are getting to the point of being starved for some local racing action.

Have an opinion on this story? Post a message on our Message Board!
news@karnac.org or send a letter to the editor!

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