Orlando SpeedWorld Helps Racers | FASCAR MEDIA
Orlando, FL (March 27, 2008) It is hard enough today to make ends meet especially with the economy they way it is. Gas is sky high, you might as well buy gold when you need milk or bread or eggs. It is hard enough to go racing once a month much less once a weekend. Rusty Marcus, General Manager at Orlando SpeedWorld, has come up with a new idea to help the racers. "I know how hard it is right now to make ends meet for everyone. It cost gas to get to the track, and gas to run at the track so just maybe I can give the racers a small break so they can race without so much out-of-pocket money. Starting April 25th thru May 30th, I will let the racers from one division in free for the night to race." "If the drivers support this, it could become a weekly thing but it will take their support of coming because I am really putting my neck on the line. No other track has done this, this is a FIRST, but it will take the support of the racers to make it continue. If they can help me put on a good show, I am happy to help them with some expenses and it is a win-win situation for all of us. But to continue this program, they will have to show their support of the track." The rotation would be as follows: April 25th - Strictly Stock Drivers and their cars get in free May 2nd - Super Stock Drivers and their cars get in free May 9th - Mini Stock Drivers and their cars get in free May 15th - Modified Drivers and their cars get in free May 23rd - Sportsman Drivers and their cars get in free May 30th - Super Late Drivers and their cars get in free Sadly, Orlando SpeedWorld will no longer have open practice on Wednesday nights. "We just weren't getting enough cars to support the open night practice. We were going in the hole and that can't happen every practice. We also pay FPL bills and it costs alot to turn those lights on and it just wasn't paying off. So we have come up with yet another new idea but this also will take the support of the racers." "If we can get 25 cars to say they will come, we will go to a Sunday afternoon practice where each driver can bring a dish and we will have a Sunday afternoon practice and goodies to munch on. Just a big get together but the main theme will be practice. If you are interested in this, please call Kim Brown at 386-547-2879 and give her your name. When we have 25 cars that want to do this, we will schedule the Sunday for practice." "If we don't get 25 cars at least for this, then you will need to call Kim Brown to schedule track rental time with her for practice. The Sunday afternoon practice would cost much less but I will definitely need the support of the racers to do this so that is why I am asking you to let Kim know that this is what you want and you will be there." "Remember, the only way the new rotation for getting in free will work is if the racers come out and support this effort. If they do support it, then it could become an every weekend deal for them. Just like the Sunday practice could become a real thing but it will take the support of the racers to make this work also. I am more than willing to work with the racers but in return, they need to work with me also. We have to support each other on both of these efforts." For track rental time and fees, please call Kim Brown at 386-547-2879. For more information on Orlando SpeedWorld, go to www.orlandospeedworld.org.
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