Ivan the Terrible Devastates Five Flags Speedway | By Jane Smith
Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola, Florida has had its ups and downs just like all Florida tracks. But every December Five Flags shines as the home of the annual Snowball Derby. This year no one knows if the Derby will be able to take place all because of one reason, Ivan the Terrible.
Charlotte County Speedway saw a lot of damage when Hurricane Charley came in and basically flattened the track. Track owner Leroy Davidson is working very hard to bring life back to Charlotte County but it takes time, manpower and money. Now, Five Flags has the same unknown outlook for it's future.
According to Dan Butler of SportsShorts.net the speedway has taken almost a head-on hit. Pictures appearing in the Pensacola News Journal show that the speedway received extensive damage to the track office trailer which is gone.
Most all the track fencing is blown away with billboards spread all over the track and in nearby trees.. Light poles are either bent in half or gone. And the concrete block ticket booth is totally gone along with stand damage.
Tim Bryant, promoter at Five Flags sent this statement to Bob Smith webmaster at fiveflagsspeedway.com, "Finally able to communicate. As you know, the track took a pretty hard hit. Assessments continue and clean-up will begin soon. Regrettably, the final two regular season race dates are very doubtful at this point. Top priority must be given to continuing the tradition of the Snowball Derby. Further information available as soon as possible."
Also reported on was Flomation Speedway in Flomation, Alabama which received damage to their tower and concession stand roofing. They are hoping to resume racing in a few weeks but that is not known as of yet. Other racetracks in the area will be reported on as soon as communication with them is established.
As information on Five Flags Speedway, it's personnel and racers is known, KARNAC will post it. All of KARNAC has Five Flags Speedway, it's personnel and racers, in our hearts and prayers. All of us have seen what kind of damage a hurricane can do and we are here to help our fellow racers, fans, and family and we will keep everyone updated on our state's latest tragedy. Have an opinion on this story? Post a message on our Message Board! <news@karnac.org>or send a letter to the editor!