RSS Feeds
Keep up with Florida Stock Car Racing news or Short Track America's latest Racing interviews with promoters, drivers and other personalities and racing newsmakers the
easy way!Our master RSS feed (what is RSS?) will inform you when fresh content appears on this site.
Using our RSS feeds Even if you're unfamiliar with news feeds, they are very easy to use. First, download a
newsreader application like the free FeedReader. You can find
other free RSS Feed Readers by going to Google and seaching for feed readers or rss readers
. Then, copy and paste the URL of any KARNAC.com news feed into the application's "subscribe" dialogue. On KARNAC or any of its affiliated sites you can find
RSS feeds where this symbol is seen.
This enables you to get the news and entertainment you want right
from your own desktop, without having to click all around or remember a lot of bookmarks.
How it works Once you enter the URL (web address) of our RSS feed in your Feed
Reader or other software readers, our headlines update in your reader, automatically as we add new content. We are essentially bringing our news right to your desktop.
For instance the URLs (web addresses) for current available feeds are: Florida Stock Car Racing News is http://www.karnac.com/feeds/FloridaStockCarRacing.xml
Short Track America feed address is: http://www.karnac.com/feeds/ShortTrackAmericafeed.xml
If this is new to you, let me tell you the straight scoop. This is the future of Internet news delivery. Get started today, download your free copy of FeedReader here.
For Help and support contact us by email.
___________________________________ What is an RSS Feed?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution. KARNAC.com offers several RSS feeds for use in news readers and Web logs (blogs). These feeds include headlines,
summaries and links back to KARNAC.com for the full article. RSS feeds are free and KARNAC.com and its affiliates currently uses RSS 2.0.
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