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January 14, 2000

Jack........from Jane Smith

Jack Smith, webmaster of karnac, home of Florida Stock Car
Racing, deserves to be acknowledged. Jack and I have worked
together now for over two years not making any money but giving karnac everything we could. Jack has done his fair share of traveling to our state tracks, both dirt and asphalt, and getting to know the drivers of these tracks. It was while doing this that Jack found his love for racing and our Florida racers.

Fans of Florida Stock Car Racing have no idea of the number of hours that Jack gave this to make it work. But it takes money
to live, money to go to all these tracks, money to pay the phonebills that are run up researching, money to keep the electric on and the house just right for those precious computers that give you karnac.

It has come now to where Jack must take care of Jack and Cathy and he must find something that will pay money for his many talents that he has. I know Rick and Bill will do a great job at taking over karnac but for me, Jack will always be the editor in charge. Jackmay look like an "old hippie" some say but Jack has a heart of gold and has done alot for Florida Stock Car Racing with no rewards at all.

Jack will always be just a phone call away and I know he will still be there for me and I will always be there for him. Writing for him has changed my life for the better and given me the direction in life that I did not know I had. There are not enough words to tell you how good a person and boss he is.

Jack, you did a great job. I hope that you find that money tree and someday you can afford to just be Jack, editor of the greatest racing website on the internet. I love you - Jane

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