Posted by Mizz Marie on November 17, 1999 at 18:05:28:
In Reply to: Wild Bill posted by Kenny Sheila on November 17, 1999 at 14:24:19:
My dearest friends......I am soooooooo glad to have your e address....this gadget works so much better than a phone for such a mobile group as ours.
Right now our scholarship project is set...only thing is the sale of the chance drawing tickets (ye old $1 each or 6 for $5 you-know-whatiz). Looking at if you are planning to be there and would like to help me work the crowd....will be at Desoto Saturday and Lugnuts on Sunday...then will start scheduling in earnest after holidays....might be able to sell at Hooter's ProCup but with Hooter's its iffy...will be there with Gran Prix promo. But will let you know when I get more dates rolling.
Love, love, love to you....I am so glad in one blessed way or another, we are always together.