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Southern Short Track Racing

It's time to race!

October 12

State Senator Supports Racing in a Big Way!

Florida State Senator Bill Posey has arranged for Governor Jeb Bush to attend the Governor's Cup as Grand Marshall! State Senator Posey represents Distric 18, which is Brevard, Indian River and St Lucie Counties and was a former State Representative, former owner of Eau Gallie Speedway, and races when he gets the time.

Posey is also the owner of the National Racetrack Clearing House and is an expert in racetrack management, promotion and marketing.

"I thought it was important that promoters did get together and share their ideas, and race promoters stop looking at each other as competition. You can't do that. Even the big regional malls recognize that you can have three upscale shopping stores and two middle range shopping stores, and you actually increase traffic for each other, you don't cut it when you cooperate. I think ultimately, I hope, the race promoters in this state will take on that same vision, and it all begins with getting together and sharing ideas." Posey said during a 15 minute interview with KARNAC.com on this week's RACIN'TALK RADIO show.

Posey talks about the importance of the Governor's Cup, and Florida racing in general.



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