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2000 News

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Let's Go Racing!
February 16, 2000

Legends Winternationals

The opening round of the Legends Winternationals 2000 was rained out Monday night. Tuesday night was a bit hectic with 106 cars registered and the largest field being the Masters Division.They an 4 heats, with Fred Hardwick III, from Sevierville, Tenn. taking the heat and feature
win with 26 cars starting the feature. Other heat winners were, John Hiatt from Franklin, Tn, defending champion, Billy Erwin from Statesville, N.C., and Eddie MacDonald Jr from Fitzgerald, Ga... Erwin ran second, Hiatt 3rd, Fred Davis out of Norton, Ohio was 4th and Skip Nichols of Albany, Ga was 5th in the feature. Consi winner was Sparta,
Tenn's Ron Allison.

Four oil spills in the Pro division ran us into the curfew and we had to shut them down after 22 laps. Michael Hansen out of Dallas, Texas took the win in both his heat and the feature. High Point N.C.'s Wayne Austin was 2nd, son Blake Hansen also from Dallas was 3rd, Canada's Dennis
Thompson was 4th and Clay Hair from Midland N.C. was 5th. Thompson and Shaun Buffington won the other two heats. No Consi was necessary on the first night of racing for the Pro Division. Due to the extensive cleanups, the Semi Pro feature was delayed due to the curfew and will be run tonight (Wed). Heat winners were John Pascarella from Mooresville, N.C., W. Palm Beach, Fl.'s Donny Lia, and
Eric King out of Hartsville, S.C.. Consi went to Ron Reinhart Jr. who hauled in fromBrampton, Ontario, Canada.
Still more cars are coming and we expect over 200 before the series closes on Friday night or possiby Saturday to make up for the Monday night rain out. Nothing for sure on the Saturday race yet.
-Larry MacMillan

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