December 14 & 15 Draws Near, A Special Time Of Giving For Florida Racers | By Jack Smith
For many years Rick Bristol gave of himself to create the Annual Children's Home Fundraiser, a special benefit that raised money each December assist Central Florida and New Life Children's Homes.
14th Annual Children's Home Fundraiser
As Robin Smith pointed out in a 2001 article for KARNAC, "Rick spent three of the formative years of his life at the Central Florida Children's Home as a resident. It was there, through the church that runs the home, that he met his wonderful wife. Now it is even easier for me to understand his passion and dedication to the cause."
Each year the Florida racing community stepped up and helped Rick raise much needed funds to benefit some of Florida's less fortunate children. The event typically was held around Kissimmee and featured go-cart races and lots of prize giveaways,and a great time as Florida's top drivers, along with promoters and media came together for a good time and a great cause.
In 2002 the 14th Annual Children's Home Fundraiser came to a grinding halt after the venue chosen for the event was closed by the state for insurance reasons. That year fans still made Rick's dream work as fans attending the Florida Governors Cup at New Smyrna Speedway made contributions to Rick's fund.
--Advertisement-- Last year Rick Bristol decided it was time to create a new vehicle to assist someone in need. And again, Rick's efforts turned in the direction of children with the creation of the Charity Truckers 200.
RELATED LINK:Brandon Johnson all the way in Hopkins Family Truckers 200
The benefit was to assist young Tommy Hopkins who was fighting for his life. Nascar Craftsman Truck and Nascar Bush series driver David Reutimann along with NASCAR's David Starr attended the event in December 2006.
This year Rick is continuing his efforts to give back to the community, setting a standard for giving that should make all Florida racers and fans proud. The Charity Truckers 2000 this year is to benefit a young lady who suffers from a very rare disease.
This from the family: "Our daughter Kaleigh was born on September 19, 2006 at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Florida. Kaleigh arrived weighing at 6lbs 3oz with a length of 18 ¾ inches long and more beautiful than we ever could have imagined. We were told that after a few routine assessments in the NICU she would be delivered to our room. Then in the blink of an eye, just forty-five short minutes later her life and ours changed dramatically. Kaleigh was diagnosed with a very rare heart disease that is treatable but, never curable.
The disease is called Pulmonary Artesian with a Hypo Plastic Right Heart, which means the right side of her heart is underdeveloped and not functioning correctly. This disease requires normally just three open heart surgeries; however, in her case it could be more or less. Her situation appears to be different than most other children with Hypo Plastic hearts. We have been told that there is another type of Hypo Plastic heart condition involving the left side that is more common than that of Kaleigh's right side."
The event is again receiving great response from the racers and fans in support of Rick Bristol's efforts to assist a child in need.
All the information about the event and much more detail is available on Rick Bristol's website: CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE SITE!
The following is an open letter from Rick Bristol to race fans:
OPEN LETTER FROM RICK BRISTOL The 2nd Annual Charity Truckers 200 is drawing close and I have much to get done, but I want you to know why we are doing this. First and foremost I have been called by God to help people, since I became a Christian in 1984.
I have been helping children's homes and now kids and families. I am beginning the paperwork to have my own non-profit charitable foundation open in 2008. Last year we helped Tommy Hopkins a boy who was given initially only a 5% chance of living. We raised money to help the family to pay medical bills and we gave gifts to the family.
Because of prayer and the grace of God Tommy is doing very well, he is back in school and trying hard to catch up. He will be at this years event to show us all what love and prayers will do. This year I was led to help The Helmick family.
Little Kaleigh has a rare heart disease that Doctors also do not give a good prognosis for. But I believe in a miracle working God, he can heal her. I pray for his will for her life what ever that is. Bt we want to help this family try to recover a bit.
They have had to file bankruptcy and have lost their home while trying to keep up with medical bills etc. We can be a blessing to them. I want to ask all those that can help to please consider a monetary gift if possible. We have many ways you can help. You can attend the event, buy laps or raffle tickets at the event, buy concessions at the event. Donate during our driver helmet pass each night.
We still need sponsors to help cover the cost so that more proceeds can go to the family. So many people have stepped up and I will not list here so I do not forget anyone.
You will be listed in the souvenir program and mentioned over PA and during the pre-race activities. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done and will do.
I really am blessed to be able to do this, and blessed that great people help us. Drivers get your entries in ,spread the word to other drivers.
Go to for all the information or call me at 407-497-0448.
We have T-shirts for sale on the website donated by Royal-Tees. They are $12.00 each or 2 for $20.00. If you have pledged lap money or award or sponsor money and have not yet mailed it in, if you could do as soon as possible it would help me get things done ahead of time so it will not be so crazy the few days before the event.
If you can help with raffle prizes, we need things to help build a real good raffle selection. If you could work a couple up coming big events at Orlando and New Smyrna to help give out flyers and free tickets please call me and let me know.
If you can help me work the Orlando area with posters and flyers and free tickets please let me know. I will be going out several nights and upcoming weekends and sure could use the help.
If you can contact area businesses about donating raffle prizes etc, maybe you have some day time and could do that please let me know. Have an opinion on
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