"From Behind The MIC!" To Debut National On-line Radio Show | Presented by KARNAC.com and LuvRacin.com on KGKIradio.com A KGKI RADIO MEDIA RELEASE
Ellenton, FL (April 14th, 2005)- It has been two years in the planning stages. A union of racing philosophy, behind the scenes news and some personal insight into local & national racing.
 Years of covering these stories and more bring two central Florida media names together for what will be a racing collaboration of sorts. Between "The Mouth" & "The Thinker", two guys that you'll want to listen to. Not because they think they are always right, but because they stir things up by asking questions you would like to, but yet no one does. Bill Green is known as everybody's friend. As the voice of Sunshine Speedway and then East Bay Raceway Park, Bill enjoyed the play-by-play of Saturday Night racing, but the travel to different tracks and interaction with racers was lacking from his radio roots. When racers needed help, Bill was always available with free air-time or an article boosting a driver’s confidence. During the old "Short Track USA" days, there were even a few bucks of sponsorship along the way when he had it. Hundreds of racers, sponsors and most every active track in Florida have benefited from his on-air or written promotions over the years.
As a member of the Board of Directors for the Q Motorsports Family Student Racer Scholarship Awards Program he has helped young racers prepare for their post high school educational needs. Involvement in Florida Championship Series Karting, The Tri-City Kart Club and East Bay Karting over these past eight years have kept him in touch with local junior racers and their families. Always encouraging drivers, crews and sponsors, Bill's looking forward to returning to the radio studio. Jack Smith is well known in Florida racing circles as a straight shooting web-master whose brainchild Karnac.com has blossomed into an institution of legendary proportions. Not afraid to call them like he sees them, he's been known to ruffle a few feathers at tracks over the years.
But, love him or hate him, most still respect his foresight, perseverance and straight forwardness when approaching a racing subject. Jack has promoted racers, tracks and businesses in racing for as long as Karnac.com has been on-line. His written articles and race reviews are often attention getting as well as thought provoking and insightful. Long time local race fans will remember a time when Bill & Jack didn't see eye to eye. That's what makes this a volatile mix that may result in several disagreements per hour for these two race fanatics. They'll cover the basic winners and losers, plus the occasional new face on the racing scene. Promising a much bigger and broader look at the national racing picture, from Nascar to the World of Outlaws and even venturing outside the oval track action at times. Perhaps it is time to shake up the on-line racing show, ho-hum, cookie cutter mentality of current shows available to audiences. I'm still not sure that the tried and true Thursday Night 7-9 PM time slot will be the right choice for a mix of news and opinions, but I do believe the personalities of Jack Smith and Bill Green will be a welcome addition to the on-line world. So you'll have the final say, tune in each Thursday Night from 7-9 PM (EST) at www.kgkiradio.com and decide for yourself. Three nights of testing and show run-troughs are scheduled for April 14th, April 21st and April 28th. Call KGKI Radio's Bill Green at 727-688-2637 or contact Jack Smith at 941-423-9992. Be one of the first to really get involved "From Behind The MIC!" Have an opinion on this story? Post a message on our Message Board! <news@karnac.org>or send a letter to the editor!