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Monday, August 26, 2002

Grynewicz Takes Fastrucks Win at New Smyrna Speedway

by Jane Smith
FASTRUCKS were the feature event at New Smyrna
on August 24th. On the pole for the 50-lap feature
was #17 John Mitchell with #10 Kim Scheffler on the

When the green flag flew, it was Mitchell
to the point followed by Scheffler, #40 Paul Grynewicz,
#5 Jimmy Gill and #25 Gary Foxworth who had his hands
full with #99 Danny Foster going side-by-side for the
fifth place position. Foxworth won the spot.

The yellow was thrown for Scheffler who spun around
on the frontstretch while running third. Scheffler
was given back her spot and the race restarted
with the new leader #40 Paul Grynewicz.

A few laps later, the yellow is thrown again as #4
Al Neumann and #3 Donald Davis come together coming
off the backstretch. Davis goes into the pits for
some repairs and is able to return to the track but
Neumann's night is done. The race is red flagged
for clean up.

On the restart, Grynewicz takes off and holds the
lead. Following Grynewicz is Mitchell, Gill,
Scheffler, and Foxworth.

Kelly Caudill #33 brought out the next caution when he
spun on the frontstretch brushing the wall.

The field is realigned and the race restarted. Lap 26
Gill moved on Mitchell for the second place spot and
makes it stick. Mitchell is put back to third. Next
Firestine #93 makes his move on the fifth place
position being held by Foxworth, takes it, and Foxworht
is shuffled back to seventh.
On the restart, Gill makes a hard charge for the lead
but Grynewicz holds tight. Grynewicz takes the win
followed by #17 John Mitchell, #5 Jimmy Gill, #10
Kim Scheffler, and #99 Danny Foster.

Charlie Collins #23 and Mike Soukup #45 took the heat
wins for the Super Stocks. On the pole for their 15-
lap feature was #45 Mike Soukup. Present points leader
Ted Helms #61 was not able to make the feature due to
engine problems and had to sit and watch as he division
raced by.

When the green flew, Collins quickly took the number one
position over Soukup. But it was not Collins night to
shine as his engine blew and he was out of the race.
Taking over the lead was Soukup who held on to the
checkers. Following Soukup was #07 Kevin Auger, #66
Dean McGlobin, #3 Jeff Colburn, and #32 Bill Stacy.

Donnie Williams #111 Sportsman made it a double header
night taking both the heat win and feature win. #007
Terry Wright sat on the pole for the feature and
quickly took the lead point. But Williams, who started
in the rear, was making his way up front. Wright did
a good job but there was no stopping Williams.
Following Williams to the checkers was #007 Terry
Wright, #46, #15x Bill Spade and #3 Marty Wolfe.

Tim "Missileman" McPhail #7 and Ted "Mr Mini Stock"
Vulipus #71 won the heats for the Mini Stock divison.
On the pole for their feature was Vulipus but it
was McPhail who quickly took over the point. As
McPhail and Vulipus battle for the number one spot,
the #l David Castello is coming from the rear fast.
Castello makes it to the front and the next thing
the fans know, we have 3 wide racing. In the end,
it was Castello taking the win followed by #7
Tim "Missileman" McPhail, #71 Ted "Mr Mini Stock"
Vulipus, #07 Dick Lazslo, and #9AR Charlie Staats.

After the race, the #1 car was torn down and found
to be legal. The bbq is on David Castello.

After taking the win the night before at Orlando
SpeedWorld, #78 B.J. McLeod took the heat race
for the Super Late Models. Sitting on the pole
for the feature event, McLeod takes the point but
a fast moving #11 David Rogers, who is coming from
the rear, has other ideas of who should be point

McLeod's car is not quite right and Rogers is able
to take the lead away putting McLeod to second.
Then it is Wayne Parker #3 who decides if Rogers
can do it, so can I and passed McLeod for second.

Following Rogers to the checkers was #3 Wayne Parker,
#78 B.J. McLeod, #7 Mark Vandevender, #24 (?) and
#5 Derrick Strong.

Bobby Blake wheeling the #2x won the heat for the
open wheel modifieds and also sat on the pole for
their feature event. Blake quickly jumps to the
lead but it is #16 Justin Henderson, who started
in the rear of the field, who was moving fast to
come and challenge Blake for the point.

As Blake and Henderson are very equal, both had a
good chance to win but Blake slows suddenly and
is out of the race giving Henderson the lead.

Henderson holds the point with Wayne Parker #3
hard on his rear. Parker tried to shake Henderson
from the point but just cannot do it. Henderson
takes the checkers followed by #3 Wayne Parker,
#99 Jeff Anderson, #7 Mark Vandevender and #4
Johnny Clark.

Barry Parks #27 and James Smith #65 took the heat
wins for the Strictly Stock division. Smith got
the pole for the feature event and was able to
take the lead on the green but it was the #81
Todd Driscall who had his eye set on the win.
Driscall passed Smith and never looked back.
#24 Kenny Marshall gave the fans a crowd pleaser
as he slightly climbed the backstretch wall but
Marshall did not let him bother him and just
continued racing. Following Driscall to the
checkers was #27 Barry Parks, #63 Curtis Smith,
#65 James Smith and #66 Tim Edmundson.

Next week, August 31st, "Little Tree Road to
Charlotte" a Sunbelt 125 lap event. Also on the
program, all FASCAR divisions except Late Models
who will be at USA International in Lakeland for
the Goodyear Challenge and Hooters ProCup race.

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