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Billy "The Kid" Mowery Making A Mark In Hooters ProCup | LEADING RACE FOR ROOKIE OF THE YEAR
By Jane Smith
Billy Mowery, 23, did not come from a racing family.
Billy and his dad, Earl Mowery, were bored one Saturday night and wanted something different to do so they decided to go watch a go-kart race at Sunshine Speedway back in 1988.
Well, the next thing Billy knew, he and his dad were building his first go-kart and off to the races.
When Billy accomplished everything he wanted in karts, he decided it was time for an open wheel modified.
Billy raced at Sunshine, Auburndale and the SARA Open Wheel Modified Series. In l998, Billy was not only the "Rookie of the Year" for the SARA Series but also fourth in points.
At the time, Billy was racing with Dewayne Dempsey, Jerry Symons, Jamie Burrows, Lee Collins, Teddy Nelson, Barry Willoughby just to name a few of the other top SARA drivers.
Billy fondly recalled "once at New Smyrna Speedway during a SARA race, I was running second to Barry Willoughby who was the leader. I was just about to make my move for first when the car behind me got tagged by the car behind him and we all went spinning putting my car into the wall. But that is racing and I loved modified racing and it was some of the most fun I have had in racing."
From open wheel modifieds Billy went to Late Models (now called Super Late Models). He won "Rookie of the Year" at Sunshine Speedway. He also won his first Late Model race after only racing in one other race and this made his desire even stronger to be a great Late Model racer.
In 2001, Billy and his team ran a handful of the Hooters ProCup Series races. This year, 2002, he is presently seventh in points and leading the "Rookie of the Year" points race.
Washington Mutual Finances has sponsored him for the first half of the season and hopefully they will sign on for the rest of the season. But even if they don't, the Mowery race team will continue on for the 2002 season.
Billy is considered a "low budget" Hooters ProCup team, a one-car team. The normal cost of running the Hooters ProCup circuit is around $300,000 or more for the year but Billy's budget is nowhere near that.
"We run on about $100,000 to $150,000 which is a very low budget team. But I am pleased with how well we are doing with such a low budget. With other teams having Renegade haulers and Winston Cup haulers, we still go to the races with a gooseneck hauler."
Billy gives a lot of credit for his success this year to his friend and crew chief J.R. Wade. J.R. and his dad both go and help Billy with the Hooters ProCup car.
All of Billy's crew have everyday jobs so the only time they work on the car is after they have finished their regular jobs. "It makes it hard for us because we don't have the budget to have someone who could work on the car full-time. We just don't have that kind of money as of yet."
Billy still has his Super Late Models, one brand new and never been on the track, and his open wheel modifieds. "I would love to go out and play with these cars but I have to think about the big scheme of things and the goals I have set for myself and my team. I have to think about the consequences of getting hurt while out just having fun in my Late Model and what it could do to my Hooters ProCup goals. Just like most all drivers, my ultimate goal is Winston Cup," replied Billy.
"When I go to a Hooters ProCup race, my mom and dad go, my uncle and cousins, two P.R. people, and always J.R. and his dad. A full boat," explained Billy. "What we could really use is a Car Chief, someone who could work on the car full-time but that is just not in the budget as of yet. I am also looking for an agent to help further my racing career goals."
When asked what Billy thinks of driving the Hooters ProCup car he replied, "it is like driving a bathtub. The Late Models are much faster than the Hooters ProCup car but I am getting the rhythm down now on driving a ProCup car and I am afraid that by driving my Late Model in a local race, it might throw out that rhythm."

"I have thought of entering the Snowflake and Snowball Derby this year because my season will be over and I can't affect my rhythm and there are a great group of racers from all over the country at the Snowball Derby."
Billy fondly recalled the April Hooters ProCup race at New Smyrna Speedway, a track that he has always loved running at and has been good to him. " I started 17th that night and ended up 8th. I was very pleased at doing so well on one of my favorite Florida tracks."
Billy has switched roles a few times with his crew chief J.R. and crew chiefed for J.R. when he has run his open wheel modified at various tracks and in the SARA Open Wheel Modified division. "This is a nice change for me and even though I am not driving, the fun is still there for J.R. and me. I do miss the fun of local racing. Racing in the Hooters ProCup series is more like a job than something we do just for fun. And I do miss the fun of just having fun in my racecar."
Billy Mowery can't say it too much "I am so pleased with how good we are running on the budget we have." Watch for the no. 33 in the USAR Hooter's ProCup Southern division to go far.
Jane Smith Have an opinion on this story? Post a message on our Message Board! <news@karnac.org>or send a letter to the editor!
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