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Friday, December 14, 2001 | | By Robin Smith Miller
For 13 straight years, Rick Bristol has been a man on a mission. Every December he puts together the NASCAR Nana Memorial Race to benefit the Central Florida and New Life Children's Homes. For the past two years, I have been lucky enough to be part of this wonderful event but I never knew until December 8 why it means so much to Rick. 
Rick spent three of the formative years of his life at the Central Florida Children's Home as a resident. It was there, through the church that runs the home, that he met his wonderful wife. Now it is even easier for me to understand his passion and dedication to the cause.
Some of Florida's finest short track racers also believe in his cause so deeply that they come from all over the state to participate. The Karnac.com family and the Short Track USA family also believe enough in the cause that we all came in force to help out Rick in his endeavors. It is also the most fun event that I take part in every year and the time I get to see why stock car drivers change from the most wonderful, loveable people on this earth to demons, the moment they put on their seatbelts.
I, too, turn into "Taz" the minute I sit in my go-kart. I now see what the drivers mean when they say they have no friends on the track. Just ask my best friend, Gail Cook the 50/50 Queen of Charlotte County Speedway, who made the trek to Kissimee with me this year to help out. When Laverne, the flagman from Sunshine Speedway, dropped the green flag on the first ladies heat race, I spun out a competitor on the first lap. I didn't find out until after the race was over who it was. It was my Gail-friend and she was spitting nails, telling me how mean I was and that I had the most evil grin on my face when I did it. I honestly did not know it was she but, in reality, it probably wouldn't have mattered if I did. RACING FROM THE HEART - SLIDESHOW
All day long, we all raced against each other, having the best time. I was not a good reporter, however, I didn't keep track of who won what very well because I was having way too much fun. I met a lot of great drivers like BJ McLeod, Scott Stevens, and Dick Owens, just to name a few. I hugged a lot of old friends, like defending champion Kim Scheffler, who won the award this year for raising the most money, $650. She won the Richard Petty Driving School certificate and then, in true fashion to her character, she donated the face value of the certificate back to the fundraiser. BJ McLeod raised another $300; EB Fisher, $250; and Ray Reed another $200. The 50/50 winner even donated his half of the winnings back to the fundraiser. That was the spirit of the day and what we were all there for.
I got to race four races this year. I was beat at the line in the first heat and won the second heat. In the Celebrity race, Short Track USA's Bill Green, earned the award for most aggressive driver of the day. I still have a bruise on top of my head from the third or fourth hard hit he gave me when he finally spun me out. But as they say, paybacks are great. My good buddy Kim Scheffler paid him back in another race shortly thereafter. She hit Bill so hard his car came up off the ground. I offered to pay her for it but she said she was just happy to oblige!!!!
I had to coerce my Gail-friend and Karnac sister, Jane Smith, into racing in the first place; they wanted no part of it. Silly me! They were my downfall in my quest for a trophy. First, Jane won the Celebrity race and then Gail won the ladies feature which put them both in the NASCAR Nana Memorial race with late model winner Wayne "Rocket Man" Jefferson, mini stock winner Trisha Gray, and (please forgive me if I am wrong on this one and feel free to correct me on the message board) bomber feature winner, Scott Stevens??, as well the second place competitors in the features. Gail and Jane were very nervous but did a great job racing with the big boys and girls.
In the end, Wayne "Rocket Man" Jefferson was crowned this year's champion, an honor he richly deserves as he has participated in the event for a few years. His crewmembers, Bill and Terry, also won heat races so they had a really good day. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of guys!
During this year's event, Rick Bristol announced his plans for the upcoming year. He is putting together a contingency race program for Florida stockcar drivers to benefit children's homes throughout the state that receive no government support. Drivers will pledge a small amount of their weekly winnings to the Victory Lane Children's Home Funds Program and points will be kept. Next year's end of the year event will be with the points winners from the various tracks.
I will give more information on this program shortly to you Karnac.com readers. I personally will be hounding "my drivers" to participate in the program but I know there will be no hounding to it. After all, we are one big family and what sets us apart from the other sports is our big hearts especially when it comes to children.
Once again, thank you Rick Bristol for a wonderful time and for being the loving, caring person that you are. Next year at this time, we will all be reading about how well your new brain child has done and how much the drivers, crews, fans, track employees and management have given to make the Victory Lane Childrens Home Funds Program a success.
Happy holidays to all of our racing family and God Speed til we meet again.
-Robin Smith Miller Have an opinion on this story? Post a message on our Message Board! or send a letter to the editor!
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