Tuesday, September 4, 2007
World's Fastest Beetle Is No Ordinary Bug
By Stagin' Steve LeTempt
![]( In the crazy world of drag racing, that we have chosen to bring our dreams to reality in, I have found countless avenues which we attack our goals. From nitro burning 8,000 hp TF dragsters ripping down the track in four seconds, to Harley riders that carry the front wheel the entire 1/4 mile and only use body english to steer with.
Then there is mom and pop's pure stock station wagon that is like the little train that say's I think I can, I think I can and run's in the 20 second zone at a blistering 59 mph. We all have dreams and with the will and determanation, only a rare few will ever reach their magic goal. This is a story of one such person taking and unusual path to reach his goal.
It was about two or three months ago that a young man was brought to my attention who was shooting for his dream in a VW Beetle. His name was Jerry Lewis from Mechinicsville, Md. Lewis said that he was going to take his legal street driven Bug and break the 9 second barrier in the quarter mile.
Now, I don't have to tell you this is a tough dream to fullfill. I had a modified Yellow 1971 Beetle when I was a young man and I was lucky to beat mom and pop's station wagon. Well, Lewis showed me his little Red 1968 Beetle, with current tags, air cooled and all and I was intriqued.
Lewis said that he would go cruising in his Beetle on Friday night's to the Sonic, which was about a dozen or so miles from his house and then take it to the track on Saturday night's and run it.
We talked for a little while and I invited him onto Real Racin' USA for a Tuesday night show. Lewis was a great guy with a dream and the desire to make it a reality. Jerry Lewis represented the little guy, with no sponser, just his hard earned wallet to pay the bills and a family that loved him. A young man with a roofing business.
His interview was fun and we wished him all the best. Lewis stated that he would let me know when his dream came true.
Well, Laaaaaady's and Gentleman, put one on the board for the little guy!
Followup: August 25-26 NOPI Nationals Budd's Creek, Md. Maryland International Raceway It's official 9.947 ET @ 139.98 MPH, with a back up of 9.973 ET @ 139.53 MPH Jerry Lewis, behind the wheel of his bright Red, 1968, air cooled, tag on the back, legal street driven Beetle, realized his dream. DRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAG RACIN', "AIN'T IT COOL!!!"
Congratulations Jerry, from Stagin' Steve and the whole gang at REAL RACIN' USA